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Un regard critique sur la Géopolitique & la Géostratégie internationales à l'ère du Multilatéralisme : quelle place pour une Afrique épuisée par l'esclave, la traite négrière, le colonialisme, le néocolonialisme et la détérioration des termes de l'échange ? La réponse rapide est qu'il faut doter de l'Afrique d'une trilogie diplomatique : le Soft-Power, le Hard-Power et le Smart-Power.

Main-bass on the inside and outside dynamics of African regional integration

Conducive to expanding markets and trade in Africa, regional integration enhances cooperation and mitigates risk while promising socio-cultural cooperation and regional stability. However, the internal and external dynamics of this integration in Africa are influenced by the former colonial powers, with the complicity of certain African Heads of State. Thus, to support the thesis of Tapé Groubera , “these African enemies of Africans” (Groubera, 2022)are slowing down the process of integration of the continent, while taking precedence over their abject interests to the detriment of the collective interest of their respective peoples. Despite the dishonorable behavior of some African Heads of State, there is hope since African youth, in addition to having become aware of this state of affairs, is becoming more and more competitive and influential on the international level. Many young Africans today belong to the class of global elites.

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